Monday, April 23, 2007

One more thing...

Twenty. Days.
In just under three weeks, Jody and I are getting married!!!
We're so excited we can barely stand it, and I can hardly wait until my last exam is over and I can actually think about seating arrangements and vehicles and showers and what on earth I'm going to do with my Nana when she arrives on the 2nd.
But for those of you who are wondering, the cake and flowers and photography and food are all set up and it's all going to be wonderful. And tasty--definitely tasty. The cake and food, that is.
So, if there are questions about bachelorette party stuff please talk to Michelle, my best friend/Maid of Honour; if you're wondering about a shower there's a rumour of a surprise shower being perpetuated by my Gramma but I really don't know. My mom's back in town on Tuesday afternoon, so hopefully she has some knowledge that I don't.
We are registered at The Bay, which you can view by our names (Jody's last name is Garnett with two t's) online or in-store, if you don't know where to start. There isn't anything we desperately need aside from new furniture, which we're saving up for. We most definitely do not need any tea. We likely don't need any books either, but we'll always take books. :) We like games too, and music for our iPods, and we both like to cook but aside from Pyrex and Epicure we are well-stocked.
But really, if we've invited you it's because we want you there, not because we want stuff from you. Just come. Enjoy the party, bring a camera and your dancing shoes, and remember to hug your mom the next day because it's Mother's Day.

Almost Done!

I have been studying for my last final of the term... my exceedingly depressing American lit class. It has been interesting, but decidedly sad and thought-provoking. It reminds me why I am glad to be Canadian, and why it's a good thing I wasn't a teenager in the forties or fifties, despite the wonderful music of those decades.
It will be *so good* to finish at noon tomorrow. Woo-hoo!
I have the house to myself until tomorrow afternoon, with my folks away, so I am looking forward to indulging in a movie and a glass or two of wine. Then I will sleep. Ah, sleep...
Tuesday I will go to the gym again, having missed my weekend gym time. Instead Michelle and I did (most of) the 10K route on Saturday in just under an hour and a half. And I know I can go faster, so I hope we can make it in an hour and a quarter on the 29th.
The gym's been going fairly well... my stamina is up on the cross-country stationary bike setting, and my strength has improved also. I am really happy I have a membership, since I can go anytime, and also use the pool. Hot tubs are good.
Come to think of it, that might be another thing I will do on Tuesday--soak in the hot tub. Let me tell you, I am still sore from the big walk on Saturday. But I did it! So I know I can make it next weekend.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Aussies beware...

the plant material enclosed in our wedding invitations!

We received an email via Jody's folks from his aunt in Australia. Apparently, the pressed flowers in the paper of our invites counts as foreign plant material, and cannot enter the country without being fumigated/decontaminated for the low, low price of $42.

Naturally, Jody's aunts and uncles and grandmother declined, and instead received only the photo of us that we'd included in the envelope.
I must say, that's one obstacle I would not have considered when choosing invites. The irises are quite dry and processed, but apparently not enough to be considered "safe" to cross the border!

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